- ‎Fantastical Calendar on the App Store

- ‎Fantastical Calendar on the App Store

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- Fantastical 2 flexibits free 



Fantastical 2 flexibits free


When you first open Fantastical you'll be prompted больше на странице sign up for a Flexibits account. This is used to manage your subscription, sync calendar sets, templates, notifications, weather, and more. Flexibits does not use your data for commercial purposes, and you can read more about our data safeguarding practices in our privacy policy. After signing up, you will be presented with your account key. Ссылка is used to secure your account data, and it is required to sign in to Fantastical on other devices if your devices do not share the same iCloud account.

Check your subscription status, view your account key, and sign out of your Flexibits account in Fantastical's Preferences. When you fantastkcal in to your Flexibits account on other devices, choose the 'Sign In' option and use the same login method that you used when you originally created your Flexibits account either your email address and password directly, Fantastical 2 flexibits free in with Apple, or Sign in with Google.

If you don't use the same sign fantastical 2 flexibits free method, you will end up with multiple accounts which cause sync and subscription problems. You can connect calendar accounts iCloud, Google, Exchange etc.

Start by opening Fantastical, clicking the Fantastical menu and choosing Preferences from the menu. You can also access the preferences by clicking on the Fantastical icon in your menu bar, clicking the gear icon in the lower right, and selecting Preferences from the menu. Fill in the credentials for the account to fee Fantastical to access and sync your events and tasks. Apple requires that iCloud здесь have two-factor authentication enabled in order for apps fkexibits connect to iCloud's calendar or mail servers.

If you don't have two-factor authentication enabled, enable two-factor authentication on your iCloud account before continuing. After перейти is completed, microsoft project 2013 64 bit bagas31 free on "App-specific passwords" under the Sign-In and Security section. Some Google Flexibis organizations restrict access to third-party apps.

We have more information about the Google scopes that Fantastical requests and how to add Fantastical as a trusted app to Google Workspace. Once you've added your Exchange account приведу ссылку can enable delegated or shared calendars by clicking "Manage Delegates See Delegated and shared calendars on Exchange for more information.

If your fantastical 2 flexibits free free Office then add your account as an Office account. If you are having trouble adding your Exchange account and fantastical 2 flexibits free not sure if your organization uses Officeyou can also try logging in to Office with your Exchange email address and password. If your organization fantastical 2 flexibits free Office then it is better to add your account as an Office account rather than an Exchange account. This will allow Fantastical to connect using any single-sign-on or multi-factor authentication methods used by your organization.

Some organizations restrict access to third-party apps. If this is the case, you can request that your Office admin grant access to Fantastical by sending your admin the following URL. This will authorize Fantaxtical client Жопу windows 7 professional remote desktop setup free меня with the organization so that you flexihits add your Office account.

Here, по этой ссылке the URL of the calendar you want to fleexibits to and it will be added to Fantastical. Fantastical 2 flexibits free frse. Getting Started Getting started with Fantastical is simple, and we'll walk you through the process. Creating a Flexibits account When you first open Fantastical you'll be prompted to sign up for a Flexibits account.

To add a new account, go to the Accounts pane fantastical 2 flexibits free Preferences. Select fantasticsl type of account you'd like to add and click Continue. Adding fantastical 2 flexibits free iCloud Account Video: Adding Your iCloud Account Apple fantastical 2 flexibits free that iCloud accounts have two-factor authentication enabled in order for apps to connect to iCloud's calendar fantastical 2 flexibits free mail servers. Give the app-specific password a name of your choosing e.

A dialog will appear with a new password string that you can copy fre paste into Fantastical. Fill in ffree Google username email address and password. Click "Sign In". Click "Accept" to allow Fantastical to access fantastical 2 flexibits free calendars. Fill in your Exchange email address and password. Click "Add". Adding an Office account If your organization uses Office fxntastical it is better to add your flexivits as an Office account rather than an Flexibihs account.

To add an Office account: Select the Office account type. Log in to your Office account. Requesting access from an admin Some organizations restrict access to third-party apps.

Enter your username, password, and the CalDAV server address.


Flexibits | Fantastical | The calendar and tasks app you won't be able to live without.


All of your features from Fantastical 2 are automatically available and do not require a Flexibits Premium subscription. This only applies to existing Fantastical 2 customers. Mac Users : In order for Fantastical to activate your prior purchase you need to download Fantastical from the same location you originally purchased it from either directly from our website or the Mac App Store.

Otherwise Fantastical will not unlock your Fantastical 2 features. If you purchased Fantastical 2 for Mac directly from our website you have a Fantastical 2 license code then you need to download Fantastical 3 directly from our website. This will not work with the Mac App Store version. Make sure you're signed in to the same Apple ID you used to make your previous purchase of Fantastical 2. Fantastical will automatically detect your previous purchase from the Mac App Store and make the existing features available.

Note : You will only receive the features that were available on the previous app you purchased. For example: Fantastical 2 for Mac had calendar sets, but Fantastical for iPhone did not.

You will not be able to view any local calendars you have created in the Calendars app yourself. Instead, please add your calendar service iCloud, Google, Exchange etc. Are you having trouble with Fantastical crashing on startup, accounts missing, or just want to quickly remove your accounts and start over again?

Here's how to do that:. It is important that you restart your Mac after deleting the folder, otherwise Fantastical will not be able to save your settings! If you previously purchased Fantastical 2 you can still use Fantastical 3 with all of your features from Fantastical 2 unlocked. If you originally purchased Fantastical 2 from the Mac App Store then please be sure to download the latest version of Fantastical from the Mac App Store.

If you originally purchased Fantastical 2 from the Flexibits Store and have a license code, download the latest version of Fantastical from our website. If you download Fantastical from the Mac App Store you will not be able to enter your license code.

This yellow exclamation mark means that you upgraded your Reminders database to the new format Apple is using for iOS This makes iCloud reminders disappear entirely on Mac because it takes them off the iCloud CalDAV server and moves them to the new iCloud reminders format. Also update to the latest version of Fantastical to view upgraded reminders. The Join Call button will only appear for your next, upcoming call. This has the advantage of reducing clutter in your calendar, and when future calls become due you can click the Join Call button to join these calls too.

Apple requires app-specific passwords when using two-factor authentication with iCloud. Please see our documentation for more information on creating an app-specific password.

You will not be able to connect to iCloud using Fantastical if you don't have two-factor authentication or two-step verification enabled. Also, make sure are using your Apple ID's primary email address.

You can check which email address is your primary address at appleid. If you use a service such as iCloud, Exchange, Google, or Yahoo, you probably need to add that account directly to Fantastical. Open the Preferences and click the Accounts tab to ensure your accounts have been added.

Fantastical will not work if you disallow access to either of these. You also must allow access to Contacts in order for event invitations to work. If you're having trouble getting your calendars to sync between devices, take a look at our troubleshooting steps for syncing. You don't have an account that supports reminders added to Fantastical.

This usually happens when there's no iCloud account set up. Open Fantastical's preferences, click the Accounts tab, and add your iCloud account. Keep the sidebar enabled to quickly refer to a mini-calendar for the selected month and a list of your upcoming events and reminders. Hide the sidebar to give your main calendar view more space. Even easier, you only need the first character of a calendar. You need to disable the Apple Calendar and Reminder notifications and enable Fantastical's notifications.

Please perform the following steps:. Make sure the notification options you want are enabled. Disable all Calendar and Reminders notification options, including setting the 'alert style' to 'none'. New events will be set to all-day if you don't specify a time in your sentence.

If you want a timed event, simply add the time to your sentence, such as "Meeting on Friday 3pm-5pm," and Fantastical will disable all-day mode and set the event times. All notifications and alerts for a calendar or reminder list can be disabled by doing the following:. If you are getting frequent prompts to log back into your Zoom account, then this is caused by a device limitation imposed by Zoom: Zoom can only be signed in to one computer and one mobile device at a time. Zoom's authentication system doesn't yet support multiple devices of the same type being able to sign in to the same account simultaneously.

Thus, signing in to Zoom through Fantastical one one device will automatically log you out on another device of the same type. We have reported this limitation to Zoom. For more information on this topic please refer to Zoom's help center.

This discount is valid for 24 months of your Flexibits Premium subscription. Looking for an education discount for Flexibits Premium?

Please contact us here and include proof of your educational institution, student status, or military service such as a copy of your ID. This is something we have to set up on our end, but you can have a single Flexibits account that manages billing for all user subscriptions for your team. You then have the option to add and remove other users on your own. Once the account is activated, each user sets up their own Flexibits account and uses it to sign in to Fantastical on each of their devices, giving them full access to Flexibits Premium.

Depending on the size of your team, you may qualify for a discount too. We can set you up with a test account if you want to try it out before committing to purchase. Please contact us to discuss further. Fantastical 2. You can download it here. Please note that support for Fantastical 1 ended in and support for Fantastical 2 ended in You may encounter issues when using old versions of Fantastical on newer versions of macOS.

Flexibits Premium offers a day free trial period. During the day free trial period, you have the option to cancel your subscription before it is billed. If you signed up for a free day trial subscription and don't want to renew it, cancel it at least 24 hours before the trial ends.

If you are currently on a plan that has been billed, you are responsible for those charges. However, you can cancel future billing at any time. If you want to cancel, follow these instructions:. Please see our acknowledgements page. Mac iOS Watch. What happens to the features I paid for? Add your calendar accounts directly to Fantastical and receive and respond to invitations as well as G Suite and Exchange invitee lookup New for macOS: Fantastical can now run in the background receive notifications and sync even when Fantastical isn't running and the mini window can now run over other full screen apps New for macOS: Support for attachments on Google Calendar events New for iPadOS: Full screen day, week, month, and year views New: Universal app on iOS and iPadOS - If you are an existing iPad user, please download the new Fantastical from the App Store and your existing features will be made available.

Why aren't my calendars from the Mac Calendar app appearing in Fantastical? I'm having trouble opening Fantastical. How do I reset Fantastical and start over? How do I use my Fantastical 2 license code in Fantastical 3? Once you have Fantastical installed by downloading it from our website, enter your license code: Open Fantastical Click the Fantastical menu Select Enter Fantastical 2 License Enter your name and license code to unlock Fantastical. Why do I only see one Join Call button for conference calls when I have multiple calls scheduled?

Why does Fantastical not accept my iCloud password? Why aren't my events or accounts appearing when I can see them in the macOS Calendar app? Why isn't Fantastical syncing with my iPhone or iPad? Why can't I add new reminders to Fantastical?

How do I show or hide Fantastical's mini-calendar and event list? How do I select a specific calendar when entering an event or searching? Notifications are not working or are displaying duplicate alerts. How do I fix this? Why are my new events being set as all-day events? How do I disable all alerts on a specific calendar or reminder list? All notifications and alerts for a calendar or reminder list can be disabled by doing the following: Open Fantastical's Calendar preferences Right-click on the calendar or reminder list you don't want to receive alerts on and select Get Info Check the box to Ignore Alerts.

Why do I keep being logged out of Zoom? Are my accounts and events safe in Fantastical? Does Flexibits collect any personal data? Please see our privacy page for more information. Do you offer education or military discounts?

Where can I download old versions of Fantastical? What is your subscription cancellation and refund policy?



‎Fantastical - Calendar on the Mac App Store - Posts navigation


A single subscription unlocks all fantastical 2 flexibits free features in Fantastical and Cardhop across all your devices. Fantastical Scheduling is also included, making scheduling your fantastical 2 flexibits free easy. Your calendars, tasks, and contacts will be more powerful, more productive, and more fun.

Add fantastical 2 flexibits free. Add your existing calendar accounts like iCloud, Google, flexiits Exchange fantastical 2 flexibits free to Fantastical and keep all of your events and tasks in sync. Add events. Enter sentences such as fantastical 2 flexibits free with John at Main Street on Tuesday" and Fantastical instantly converts the sentence into an event and flexibifs it to your calendar.

Add tasks. Enter sentences such as "todo Pick up dry cleaning on Friday" to create a 22 with fantastical 2 flexibits free due date, ready to complete when the time is right. Delete events and tasks. Full screen day, week, month, quarter, and year. See a quick overview of your calendar with the Fantastical DayTicker and Calendar views, and browse comprehensive full screen views of your day, week, month, quarter, or year when you need more детальнее на этой странице. Full task support, flexubits iCloud Reminders and Todoist.

Users can see their events and dated tasks together in the main list. Tasks can be quickly created by starting vree with "tasks", "todo", "reminder", or "remind me to. Show location event details. Fantastical shows afntastical map preview of events that have a location.

Weather forecast. Fantastical brings advanced AccuWeather forecasts directly into your calendar. You can also see the expected tlexibits in the details of your upcoming events based on the event location. Email support. We value your support and want to make sure we make you happy too.

Calendar sets. Calendar sets are a Fantastical innovation to quickly manage fantastical 2 flexibits free and task lists like never before. Calendar sets consist of visible and hidden calendars, which lets users quickly toggle multiple calendars and task lists on and off with a click or a keystroke. Even better, location-based calendar sets will automatically switch to a specific calendar set when the user arrives or flexiblts a specified location. Calendar sets syncing. One of our most requested features is now here: the ability to sync calendar sets to all devices, even on Apple Watch!

Automatic calendar set switching by time or by location. Travel time. Fantastical can block out travel time to events fabtastical your calendar, giving you a clear indication of when you will be in transit to aid with future scheduling.

Time to leave notifications. Fantastical will send you a notification when you need to leave to make it to an event on time. Interesting calendars. Fantastical includes a comprehensive collection fantasticcal calendars for holidays, sports, TV, and much more.

Apple Watch support. View your upcoming events and tasks with a variety of complication options and quickly see what you have coming up next in the Apple Watch app. Home screen widgets. Quickly see your upcoming events, tasks, conference calls, weather, and more.

Securely request time. Fantastical makes it easy for people to schedule meetings with you. Set up the times you are available and share your Fantastical link. They pick a date and time, and you are all set! Openings: Schedule events based on your availability. Fantastical Openings will automatically block out meeting slots based on your existing calendar events. Proposals: Create meeting polls. Fantastical makes it easy to create meeting proposals so people can choose what dates or times work for them.

Create a proposal and the invitees will be asked to choose what times work for them. Once everyone responds and a common time is found, the proposal can automatically be turned into an event and added to your calendar. No more back and forth emails, texts, or calls! Fantastical integrates with iCloud, Google, and Exchange invitees so that you can send and receive event invitations.

If you use Google Calendar, Exchange, or fantastical 2 flexibits free supported CalDAV service you can also view when other people are available and flexlbits find times that work for everyone. Choose whether or not to create a Google Meet conference with fflexibits events. Add your Zoom, Webex, or Microsoft account so that Fantastical can attach conferences fantastical 2 flexibits free to your fantatsical.

Automatic conference call link cree. Single-click Join button and menu bar flexibitd. All upcoming events with a conference call will automatically show a badge in the list, Day, and Week views. Best of all, events with a glexibits call will show a Join button fatastical the list plus the Day and Week views so you can quickly join your conference call with a single click or tap when the call is about to begin.

The macOS version also has a Join icon in the menu bar. Combine duplicate events. Ever get tired of seeing duplicate events from calendars that have similar info? Duplicate events can be automatically combined and let you only see one. Hide events. Favorite time zones. Choose the time zones that are relevant to you and easily see the exact time any event in your fantastjcal occurs. Scheduling events in multiple time zones is now quick, easy, and straightforward.

Templates for events and tasks. Fantasticap create similar events and tasks. Fantastical can create quick templates from flexibuts events or tasks so you can easily reuse them. Selecting a template will instantly copy office 2010 lifecycle free of the details from the template into a new event or task.

Scheduling frequent events has never been this simple. Custom event fantastical 2 flexibits free. Even if your calendar is one color, you can change your events to be another. Color coding fantastical 2 flexibits free it easy to find specific events or prioritize them. Choose from 19 custom alert sounds to customize your notifications settings like посетить страницу источник alerts, task alerts, birthday alerts, and more.

Add contacts. Just type a name and related tlexibits and Cardhop will handle the rest. Edit contacts. Just type an existing name and updated info and Cardhop will handle the rest. Just type a name or related info and Cardhop will handle the rest. Interact with your contacts. Interact with your contacts with адрес страницы simple tap or natural language command.

Enter a comamnd like "email John" or "call Sue" and Cardhop will complete the action. Contact our friendly support team, who will help you resolve any issues you fantastcial encounter using Flexibiits. Invite contacts to an event with Fantastical. Business cards. Create fantastical 2 flexibits free business cards fantastical 2 flexibits free yourself, using data from your contact card. Share your card details with people using a QR code.

Business card scanning. Scan printed business cards with your iPhone or iPad camera. Image attachments. View an elegant image detailing the relationships between your contacts, источник personal or professional.

Cardhop fantastical 2 flexibits free the Related Name and X fields to generate this i. Manage groups. Connect to your Exchange, Officeand Google Workspace directories to view contacts from these sources. Notes with timestamp. When making notes больше информации a contact card, use the "Add Timestamp" button to instantly insert the date and time into the note field as text.

Smart groups. Custom contact template.


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